Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF) Designation is meant for those individuals who are seeking to advance their fiduciary knowledge with also proving themselves as serious fiduciary representatives. The AIF was named as one of the 10 most wanted financial designations by Financial Planning magazine.
To be eligible for the AIF exam a perspective candidate must earn a specific number of points based on the AIF metric. Once the metric is satified, the candidate is eligble to sit for the AIF exam. This is a 90 minute, closed book exam that requires a passing score of 75% or better.
Cadidates pursuing the AIF designation may prepare in one of 4 ways, a 2-Day Classroom Based Training Program, a Web-based Program, a Capstone program or a Custom program. The curriculum is identical in each of the four formats.
Potentical candidates for the AIF should realize there are significant continuing education requriements for this certification. All successful candidates must complete a minimum of six hours of continuing education each year, ascribe to a professional code of ethics, maintain current contact information and pay $325 in annual dues to keep their certification current.
Also note that the AIF exam is proctored. For those students taking a face-to-face preparation course, their instructor will proctor the exam for them. However if you choose to take any form of online course then you will be responsible for providing your own proctor. If you choose to provide your own proctor, then they will need to be registered long before your testing date.
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