Series 7 Ebook

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Series 7 Mobile eBook

Many of our students prefer to have their exam preparation materials with them 24 X 7. This allows them to use any spare time to study and make the most of downtime wherever they find it. Carrying a large textbook with you can be cumbersome and inconvenient.  If this sounds familiar, then the Series 7  eBook is exactly the answer you’ve been searching for. Our Series 7 Mobile eBook is the most dynamic and interactive exam prep product on the market. The material is available at your fingertips 24 hours a day. Accessible on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Please note, this is NOT a pdf of our textbook. Pdfs are large and unwieldy. They are difficult to work with and not user friendly, especially if they are large. Readers may highlight key points and make notes. Our mobile eBook is accessible anytime, anywhere from any device. Plus, with our Series 7 eBook, you can write down questions and set reminders. This will help you prepare for the exam and master the material. 


  • IOS.
  • Android.
  • Updated June 2024, Fully updated for T+1.

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